Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fashion Update

Hello all!! and Happy New Year! OK so 2010 is upon us. So much has become hot and then not. As you look at some of my pictures on the blog, you can see my many phases ive gone through. Right now its goth. I went through this phase about six months ago and loved it so much I needed to go back. There are some great stores out there to build on this look. GothiCats is an old fave. Ive been buying outfits from them since the beginning. 2007 I bought great Rock and Roll style outfits when I went through my head bangers phase. Now they have kick ass outfits for all. Neko happy people defiantly need to try this store out. YES when I went through my Neko phase in 2008 I bought many an outfit there. Few other great stops are CK and A&M. For basic things like jeans, League, with their bandanna in the back pocket and Dutch Touch with just fantastic basics all round...both a must see. Now, I feel that I need to comment on the sculpted feet that showed up last year. I think we all have one or two or ten pairs of these shoes now. But I felt I needed to comment on my favorite place to buy them. After going all around sl, looking at quality etc, my favorite is bar-nun Maitreya. Yes they are on the expensive side, but you get what you pay for. Good quality that are easy to match to your skin tone. So go check them out. On the subject of shoes, my gurl Tia gave me a Christmas present from N-core. OMG the boots there are fantastic and a must have. They have sculpty feet shoes also, I have not seen them on however so im not sure how they look etc.

So for the start of 2010, my words of wisdom for fashion are...... Find what makes you happy. There is something for everyone. Always feel free to send me a notecard with questions and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. And as always..HAPPY SHOPPING!! Peace :)

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